About Wichtex Machinary Company
Since 1930 Wichtex designers and
builders have been watching their rigs work the oilfields. This
has taught them how to build a rig to do just the job it is
intended to do, the quickest and easiest, with the least amount
of repair and upkeep.
Wichtex Rigs offer extremely fast rig-up and tear-down
due to hydraulic and automatic operations. Arrangements of
controls, weight, hrosepower and working capacities for each rig
are customized from the byer's wants and needs. This is what
makes a Wichtex Rig something of which both the builder and the
owner are proud.
• All Wichtex Well Service Units are self contained,
and can be changed from one type mounting to any other without
altering the machine.
• Upper and lower frames, on all models, are cross-braced and
webbed solid with steel plate, and are reinforced at the
bearings with channel iron.
• Brakes are self-equalizing cam-operated, full wrapped type,
with minimum adjustment.
• Air friction clutches are standard. Manual friction or jaw
clutches are optional.
• All shafts are mounted on ball or roller bearings.
• On models C-60, C-65, E-75, F-75, and E-90, the Tubing Drum
and the Sand Reel flanges have removable self-cooling heavy
ductile brake rings, and the drum cores are of seamless steel
wall tubing. On Models E-1, TE-2 and C-30, all drums have
reinforced self-cooling one-piece flanges.
• Drum shafts and countershafts are constructed of alloy steel.
Sprockets are steel, machine cut, and small sprockets are heat
• All models can be furnished with a double-arm spudding
attachment for drilling cement, deepening, fishing, and other
spudder jobs.
Wichtex Swab Rigs
Available with spooling capacities up to 7,500' of 9/16"
Typical Wichtex Drawworks
Wichtex Drawworks offer operational capacities from
5,000 to 12,000 feet, with such oil patch proven features as:
• Free-floating drums
• Ductile brake rings
• Air-operated disc clutch
• Non-asbestos brake blocks